Friday, July 18, 2008

And more Art Nouveau at one of the world's most amazing bookstores

The promotional magazines about cities you find in hotels are usually pretty useless, dedicated to really pointless but expensive consumption. Today in Porto, however, Sandy found a real gem in one: the Livraria Irmãos Lello, a family-run bookstore in the old city that has been in the same location since 1904. Here is the façade, which is pretty impressive as a neo-gothic confection.

It got even better inside. Here is Sandy in the front of the store, with an absolutely amazing staircase rising behind her.

Here is another view of the staircase, from above.

We loved the place. It made us think of all the Straubies back home who are big Art Deco fans, Julia, Kristy and Chris. It has a great collection of art, literature and travel books, too.

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